Bato 46 47 Bato Assortment 2021 - 2022 | Vegetable Cultivation plastic draingutters bato draingutters Bato Draingutters are suitable for any installation with substrate mats, substrate troughs or pots. These items are available in various sizes, lengths, accessories and is processed according to your wishes, folded on row lengths (or multiples) and rolled up. The various gutters are available in three versions: The Rectangular Gutter, V-Gutter and the Mega-Gutter. NL Bato Draingoten worden gebruikt voor opvang van drainwater bij gebruik van substraatmatten of –bakken. De Bato draingoten worden altijd opmaat gemaakt, waarbij rekening wordt gehoudenmet verschillende factoren, zoals gewenste afmetingen van de goot, kaplengtes, afmetingen van de substraathouder etc. De draingoten zijn beschikbaar in drie uitvoeringen: de rechthoekige goot, de V-goot en de mega goot. Bato Draingutters are a watertight and environmentally friendly solution for the collection and recirculation of drainwater in vegetable and flower cultivation. NL Bato Draingoten zijn waterdichte en milieubewuste oplossingen voor de opvang en recirculatie van drainwater in de groente- en sierteelt. size: various colour: size: various colour: size: various colour: 150 - 600 mm wide 1.0 / 1.2 mm 150 - 900 mm wide 0.8 / 1.0 mm 150 - 900 mm wide 0.8 / 1.0 mm Item code 6GU Item code 6VG Item code 6GM rectangular gutter v-gutter mega-gutter The Rectangular Gutter, V-Gutter and Mega-Gutter can be used as a drain on the ground. The V-Gutter and Mega-Gutter can be used as a discharge channel under a cultivation system.