Square pot 7 Litre
The Bato 7 Litre Square Pot is the smaller version of the Bato 10 Litre pot and suitable for various crops, such as raspberries. The pot is available with a grid bottom or with round drain holes for optimal drainage to prevent wet(ter) spots in the substrate. You can opt for additional drain holes on the side if you need extra drainage. The pot has four high, partially opened-up legs at each corner and you can expand with four extra side outlets.
- drain holes
- grid bottom
- grid bottom, with side outlets
Dimensions and content
16,5 x 16,5 cm7 L21,2 x 21,2 cm25,6 cmMaterialPP -
Delivery Information
1.740120 x 100 cm
Optimal drainage
The partially opened-up legs make it possible to place a plastic drain gutter underneath the pot to collect the drain water. Because of the long legs, there is plenty of space between the bottom of the pot and the ground, reducing the chance of diseases.
Save time repotting
When repotting from a 4.7 to a 7 Litre pot, the root ball fits perfectly into a 7 Litre pot. This means that you only have to replenish the substrate underneath. Because there is almost no space between the root ball and the sides of the pot, you save a lot of time. Experience it yourself and request a sample.