Bato Magazine 2022
New! Bato Magazine 2022
Bato is a Dutch supplier and specialist in high-quality plastic horticultural products, and we deliver worldwide. Thousands of growers, in specialities ranging from soft fruits and vegetables to ornamentals, use our innovative solutions such as truss supports, clips, hooks, substrate trays, pots and decorative pots, drainage gutters, and much more. Get the most from your crops with our help!
The Bato Magazine includes everything associated with horticulture: our entire range, examples of great collaborations with growers, and it offers you a look inside our company.
Are you curious? Simply click on any one of the links below to our three cultivation magazine editions, and see our range online:
Are you specialized in one of the three cultivation categories? View our soft fruit, vegetable or ornamental magazine online:
BATO MAGAZINE - Soft fruit cultivation
BATO MAGAZINE - Vegetable cultivation
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Would you prefer a printed version? If so, please request a print version of one or more of our three cultivation magazines by completing the form below.
Attention! Make sure you enter the correct information in the product name/article code for the edition you would like to receive.
Soft fruit cultivation
Vegetable cultivation